Health and safety factors are one of the important aspects in the tourism industry in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. The tourism sector has begun to tighten the application of protocols and standards for hygiene, health and safety using the CHSE guidelines. Do you know CHSE curing? Let's get to know the meaning of CHSE which is now the latest standard for the Indonesian tourism industry to rise after being affected by the pandemic. CHSE is a protocol for cleanliness, health, safety and environmental sustainability issued by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
The aim of CHSE is to be a guide for actors in the Tourism and Creative Economy sector. Then how does CHSE work? Check out the full explanation of the meaning of CHSE below. CHSE is a Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy program in the form of implementing health protocols based on Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability. The implementation of this program is to carry out CHSE certification for business actors in the tourism industry and creative economy, including the following:
- The tourism business includes tourist transportation services, hotels/homestays, restaurants/restaurants, Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions (MICE).
- Other related businesses/facilities include tourist information centers, places to sell souvenirs and souvenirs, public toilets, and other tourism-related businesses or facilities.
- The community environment includes an administrative scope such as the Neighborhood Association, Village, or Hamlet which is part of a tourist area or adjacent to a tourist location.
- Tourist destinations include all destinations within the scope of the province: city/district or village/kelurahan.
CHSE certification is a process of granting certificates to Tourism Businesses, Tourism Destinations, and other Tourism Products to provide guarantees to tourists for the implementation of Hygiene, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability. The CHSE certificate is valid for one year and can be extended based on the results of the reassessment.
This certification is free of charge. Dimensions of CHSE certification, consisting of Hygiene, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability. Meanwhile, three criteria that need to be met are management or governance, employee readiness, and visitor participation. With the CHSE certification, now planning a vacation or traveling is not only comfortable but also safe, right? Such is the understanding of CHSE which is now a guide and standard in the tourism sector.
Contributor : Rishna Maulina Pratama